Founder/ Director Garrison Redd
Grp Mission
The Garrison Redd Project exists in order to provide individuals living with disabilities an opportunity to achieve real independence by highlighting the need for inclusivity, diversity, and accessibility in all areas of life. People of the disabled community are often subject to limited opportunities due to physical mobility, our foundation seeks to address this issue by creating a wellness initiative that returns that sense of mobility by providing active sports & workshops to improve health and well-being.
To help diminish the feeling of being confined to a circumstance the Garrison Redd Project seeks to restore and promote self-efficacy within the disabled community. Statistics show that 1 out of 5 individuals identify themselves as being disabled which accounts for 20 percent of the population. These individuals can be your brother, sister, father, mother, or friend. The programs we offer provide a direct connection with the disabled community with interactive inclusive activities, such as adaptive climbing, adaptive yoga, hack-a-thons, and corporate training partnerships that give your company, corporation, or business recognition.
Our Values
1. Bridging The Gap- The Garrison Redd Project is committed to creating opportunities for others
2. Empathy- Speaking the truth and showing the proof creating a culture of understanding
3. Accessibility- Open and available showing inclusivity to any disability
4. Excellence- striving to be the best leaders possible
5. Inspirational Motivation- We strive to do new things accepting challenges being cohesive
Health & Fitness
With the Increase in Cardiovascular diseases and Weight-related disorders, Thegarrisonreddproject provides tips in the areas of nutrition and exercises for individuals with disabilities. These tips can be utilized by all individuals, the emphasis is placed on people with disabilities due to the lack of resources in the areas of Exercise and Nutrition for people with disabilities.
Community Events
Thegarrisonreddproject hosts fundraisers, empowerment seminars, toy drives, accessible/adaptive equipment giveaways to individuals in need, and motivational workshops. In various areas throughout New York City with a goal of expanding nationwide. Most of the events are held in the community centers and parks of areas dealing with high rates of poverty. In order to make it as convenient and accessible as possible for individuals in need of our services.
Youth Development
Musa Johnson- Project Manager
Musa Johnson is a multidisciplinary professional versed in psychology, education, grant writing, and photography. As a creative problem solver he enjoys collaboration, learning about the client's experiences, vision, and aesthetics to deliver work that speaks to the client’s needs. From 2008 to 2016, he held the positions of retail associate and assistant manager in a fashion boutique, acquiring in depth knowledge of customer experience. He transitioned to non-profit education with Harlem Children’s Zone from 2016 to 2019. Following the holistic model of recognizing students as people first, Musa’s central focus was socioemotional wellness. Musa is currently working as the project manager for the Garrison Redd Project, changing the narrative around “disabled” individuals to differently-abled individuals. He is also in his final year pursuing a Masters of Arts in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at C.U.N.Y Brooklyn College.